
Welcome to Keychain of the Day!

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I collect keychains! Я собираю брелки! I update often featuring a different keychain from my extensive collection. If you have questions about how many I have, how I got started, or other common questions I get, please check my inaugural post here. If this interests you, feel free to add me as a friend- you don't have to ask first.

If you want to donate your old, unwanted keychain(s) to me, please comment, PM, or email me at my LJ username @ gmail.com. I would be happy to accept any keychain in any condition and you will be helping to contribute to one of the world's largest high-quality keychain collections as you can see here above.

Current Count: 4826 as of 9 January 2025

Please check out my photos from most of my trips to 35 countries and all the American states here and in the photo area of this journal.

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Thanks for reading, commenting, and donating. I hope you enjoy Keychain of the Day!
Спасибо что читаете, благодарю за вашу моральную и финансовую поддержку. Надеюсь, вам понравилась рубрика Брелок Дня!

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Keychain of the Day


A big thank you is in order for Hotch's Aunt Darlene! Darlene surprised me for Christmas with my first pair of crocs! She got a matching pair for Hotch. I'm really enjoying them because I like how you can have them as slip on's or with an ankle strap. Plus they're adorable!

She also gave me some magnificent rat figures. They're honestly too cute and I'm in the process of naming them. Right now they are positioned near the Remy and Emile statue that Hotch got for me a few months ago. I have to say that the combination looks really good. With the way one of the tails is looped I think I might be able to make that rat into a keychain if I'm so inclined. I haven't decided yet.

Thank you, Darlene, for the wonderful and unexpected gifts. I really appreciate them. Merry Christmas :)

Keychain of the Day

This year my secret brony santa was Tyler up in Washington. He did a really fantastic job of following my list when it made sense to do so and deviating when appropriate as well. Goodies for the rats were even included! Maple and Truffle have really enjoyed eating their Tyler Treatz.

I always like to ask for some sort of pony related item so he got me the Sunny Starscout glow in the dark dragon set I requested. Man, do those things glow! It's been a lot of fun playing with them. I really want to brush my dragon's mane but it looks so perfect now that I can't bring myself to do so.

I also asked for some stuff with the ace flag because I realized I didn't have a keychain (it goes without saying that I always request keychains) of it. So now I have a lovely keychain and necklace! The keychain even has a mushroom on it. I just love fungus.

For several years now I have been wanting this particular poster to add to my collection of vintage travel posters on my bedroom wall. I especially like ones for fictional locations or in this case, real life places that I can't exact visit other than via the poster. I would love to see Jupiter's auoras. Who wouldn't? This gift made me so excited and is the jewel of my posters! It's going front and center.

I usually ask for friendship bracelets of some kind, either bought or handmade. Well, Tyler's stands out in the best way. It is made out of rat treats, guitar picks and all kinds of interesting things. It fits well and I like wearing it to Publix! It's extremely hobo chic and I love the time and effort he put into it :)

To round out the excitement, I have cute ghost stickers and some dark chocolate. Woohoo!

Anyway, this was a fantastic box of Christmas goodies and I'm so grateful for it. Thank you, Tyler, for being such a good Secret Santa and friend!


Keychain of the Day


Josh got these for me last week at a Sooper Seekrit thing at his work. I love how soft and squishy the alien is and the shark's nose is adorable. He also got me candy and a shark bag yay. Thanks for remembering me

PS not sure why a mardi gras template was in the holiday section but I love it
Rat animated

Keychain of the Day


I spent last weekend up north with Hotch. My goal was to see Transylvanian Ghost Skwerlz on Dia de Muertos- and I did! They were so cute and I saw two groundhogs as well. Although the locals told me there was storm damage, I was pleased by the autumn foliage I saw in general since we don't have it here in the tropics. There were several trees in the mountains near his home that were real hum dingers! Anywhoo, it was a really good time and Hotch bought me some loot. Thanks!

If you'd like to see more pictures, click here. And if you missed my Canada pictures from my recent trip, they are over here.
dash wednesday real

Keychain of the Day


Hotch gave me these keychains and a bunch of good rat loot. Stickers are not pictured. I've been meaning to wear the socks but I haven't found a special occasion yet. I will say I have been using the blanket since it has gotten cooler after the hurricane. It must be some AI art because one of the rats on it is missing a finger :0

Thanks, Hotch!
hleb bread band logo

Keychain of the Day

BONUS KEYCHAIN OF THE DAY (since we haven't had one in awhile)


Treesa at GtBK sent me a care package. I was dealing with my mom breaking her right shoulder and me having to take on more responsibility at her house which isn't far but also isn't close, Ivan my salamander prolapsing her cloaca again, and so much more. When I got it things were going a little better but then they got worse: a hurricane that destroyed Hotch's town while he was visiting me which resulted in him staying a week longer as a refugee on my couch (seeing him longer wasn't bad but I felt guilty for having to work), a hurricane that hit me right after he left, my mom breaking her left wrist on the day of the storm, Ivan prolapsing her cloaca again after fixing it also on the day of the storm, and then she did it again today after it being fixed a few days ago. And other stuff too. So yeah, not great.

Much like her really well done travel guide care package from a few years back, this time Treesa was taking me on a journey through Hollywood which was very fun. It came when Hotch was living on my couch so he got to share in the excitement as well. All of the stops on the tour had something to do with one of the keychains so I got to read along and then open the numbered packages accordingly. My favorite was the homemade appearing film cell one. I feel like there has to be a backstory on that!

I'm sure putting these together is a ton of work but as usual, Treesa makes it look effortless. I totally appreciate how she always tries to make her friends smile and always goes the extra mile (poetry lol) to help out. I really do wish that we lived closer together sometimes so we could hang out IRL more.

Anyway, thank you so much!